From Cincinnati, East Side, As well as Newport and points East in Kentucky
Enter Kentucky via I-471 South (Yellow Big Mac Bridge) to I 275 West to Exit 79 (Taylor Mill Rd/Covington) at stoplighton Taylor Mill Road, turn right off Exit, continue north and/or down the hill.
Now on Winston Ave, continue north to a stop light at E. 40th Street. Turn right.
Follow 40th Street under the railroad, immediately after, turn right, go one block, at next stop sign , turn left onto 43rd St. Dead ends into Twin Oaks Golf & Magnolia Room.
(Approximately 10 – 12 minutes from the Bridge to Twin Oaks)
From The Far West Side of Cincinnati, from Southeast Indiana, and from the Greater Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky International Airport
Enter Kentucky via the I-275 South and East: you will pass the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky International Airport.
Continue on I-275 East to Exit 79 ( Taylor Mill Road/ Covington ) at the stoplight on Taylor Mill Road, turn left and/or north. Continue down the hill, at the bottom of the hill, you will be on Winston Ave.
Go to East 40th Street, at the stoplightturn right. At the end of 40th Street go under the railroad immediately turn right, go one block to stop sign, turn left, onto 43rd street, straight, deadends into Twin Oaks Golf & Magnolia Room.
(Approximately 12 minutes from the Airport.)